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You searched for: asthma-flare-up
  • A to Z: Asthma for Parents

    Asthma is a lung condition that causes difficulty breathing.

  • Asthma and Sports Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers and coaches need to know about student-athletes with asthma.

  • A to Z: Asthma, Attack for Parents

    Learn more about asthma attacks, when asthma symptoms suddenly become severe.

  • Asthma Triggers for Parents

    Triggers — things in the air, weather conditions, or activities — can cause asthma flare-ups. By knowing and avoiding triggers, you'll help lessen your child's asthma symptoms.

  • My Asthma Inhaler Doesn't Help. What Can I Do? for Teens

    It's very common for teens with asthma to need changes in their medicines, such as a higher dose.

  • How Do Asthma Medicines Work? for Kids

    Kids who have asthma need to take medicine. But what kind of medicine do they take and what does it do? Let's find out.

  • Can People With Asthma Play Sports? for Teens

    Sports and exercise are a good idea for people with asthma. But some activities are better than others. Find out more.

  • School and Asthma for Parents

    Asthma flare-ups are the main reason kids with asthma miss school. But well-managed asthma is far less likely to result in a sick day.

  • What's an Asthma Action Plan? for Teens

    An asthma action plan is a written plan that helps you take control of your asthma. Get the details in this article.

  • Smoking and Asthma for Teens

    Smoking is a bad idea, especially for people with asthma. Here's why.