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You searched for: after-miscarriage
  • Miscarriages for Parents

    Miscarriages are common, and in most cases aren't preventable. But you can take steps to increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

  • Sex During Pregnancy for Parents

    Like many parents-to-be, you might have questions about the safety of sex and what's "normal." That can vary widely, but you can be sure that your sex life will change during pregnancy.

  • Genetic Counseling for Parents

    Genetic counseling is a way for people to understand how genetic illnesses can affect them and their family.

  • Prenatal Test: Amniocentesis for Parents

    In amniocentesis, doctors take a sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds a baby to check for signs of problems such as chromosomal disorders, genetic problems, and neural tube defects

  • Rh Incompatibility During Pregnancy for Parents

    If you just found out you're pregnant, one of the first tests you should expect is a blood-type test. This basic test determines your blood type and Rh factor, which may play an important role in your baby's health.

  • Air Travel During Pregnancy for Parents

    Most healthy pregnant women can fly up to 4 weeks before their due date. After that, it's best to stay close to home in case you deliver.

  • Prenatal Test: Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) for Parents

    A chorionic villus sampling (CVS) checks cells from the placenta for chromosomal abnormalities. Most women whose pregnancies are not high-risk don't need this test.

  • Having a Healthy Pregnancy for Teens

    Whether you feel confused, worried, scared, or excited, you'll want to know how your life will change, what you can do to have a healthy baby.

  • Prenatal Test: Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) for Parents

    This quick test examines fetal blood directly from the umbilical cord. It's used to detect disorders in the fetus.

  • Toxoplasmosis for Parents

    Toxoplasmosis is an infection that passes from animals to humans, sometimes without causing any symptoms. Learn more about this infection in this article for parents.