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You searched for: when-babysitt
  • Preventing Abductions for Parents

    It's important to teach your kids to be cautious without filling them with fear or anxiety. Here are ways to lessen the chances that your child will be abducted.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Playpens for Parents

    Playpens are popular because parents can put their baby in one knowing that their little one can't wander off. But they're no substitute for adult supervision.

  • When to Go to the ER if Your Child Has Asthma for Parents

    If your child has asthma, find out when you need to go to the ER.

  • Rainy Day Fun for Kids

    You wake up and the weather is all wet. What are you going to do today? Here are four ideas to try when it's raining cats and dogs.

  • Rainy Day Fun for Parents

    Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained and off the couch when the weather's bad? These quick-and-easy ideas will keep them happy and busy.

  • Glucagon and Diabetes for Parents

    Sometimes, if someone with diabetes has very low blood sugar, they need a dose of glucagon to get their blood sugar back to a healthy range.

  • Intractable Epilepsy for Parents

    Intractable epilepsy is when a child's seizures can't be controlled by medicines. Doctors may recommend surgery or other treatments for intractable seizures.

  • What Is a Medical Record? for Parents

    A medical record is a history of someone’s health. Most hospitals and doctor’s offices use electronic health records.

  • Getting Support When Your Child Has Special Health Care Needs for Parents

    You might have more on your plate than most parents, but it doesn't mean you have to do it all alone. Here's how to ask for help and avoid caregiver burnout.

  • Leaving Your Child Home Alone for Parents

    It's natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids without supervision. But you can feel prepared and confident with some planning and a couple of trial runs.