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You searched for: pasta-soup
  • Mediterranean Pasta Soup for Teens

    This recipe can be made as either a vegetarian or non-vegetarian soup. It's a great option for people trying to lose weight.

  • Homemade Chicken Soup for Teens

    Chicken soup can be high in salt, but this "from scratch" recipe allows you to control the amount of salt (and fat) in your soup. Plus, it's easy to make!

  • Nutritional Needs for Kids With Cancer for Parents

    Eating as well as possible and staying hydrated can help kids undergoing cancer treatment keep up their strength and deal with side effects. These tips can help.

  • Baked Creamy Chicken for Parents

    This creamy chicken dish is a quick and easy meal to make on busy weeknights.

  • Fiber for Teens

    Some of the best and most delicious foods have loads of fiber. Find out how to get your fill of fiber!

  • Fiber for Parents

    Many appetizing foods are also good sources of fiber - from fruits to whole-grain cereals. Here are ways to help kids get more fiber in their everyday diets.

  • 4 Ways to Make Meal Planning Easier for Parents

    Meal planning can help ease stress, and save time and money. Get ideas you can put into action.

  • Safe Exploring for Preschoolers for Parents

    Kids ages 3-5 have tons of energy and are eager to walk, run, dance, and play. It's a great age for exploration too.

  • Dietary Tips for Teens With Cystic Fibrosis for Teens

    Teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Here's how they can meet those needs.

  • Dietary Tips for Kids With Cystic Fibrosis for Parents

    Kids with cystic fibrosis have some special nutritional needs. Here's how parents can help them.