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You searched for: mom-talk
  • Colic for Parents

    Colic is common in babies, but that doesn't make it easier for parents to handle. Learn what colic is, what causes it, and what you can do about it.

  • Medical Care During Pregnancy for Parents

    The sooner in pregnancy good care begins, the better for the health of both moms and their babies. Here's what to expect.

  • Your Changing Body: Answers for Girls With Autism for Teens

    Now that you're older, your body may be changing. This is a normal part of growing up. Here's what's going on.

  • Taking Charge of Your Medical Care for Teens

    Figuring out health care is part of becoming an independent adult. Here are tips for teens on what that involves, and how to choose your own doctor.

  • What if My Baby Isn't Born by My Due Date? for Parents

    It's quite common for babies not to arrive right on their estimated due dates. Sometimes, if a mom's health or her baby's require it, a doctor may induce labor.

  • A Kid's Guide to Shots for Kids

    You've probably had most of your shots. But even bigger kids may need a shot once in a while. Find out more about them in this article for kids.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Your Eating and Drinking Habits for Parents

    Here are answers to some common questions about what breastfeeding moms should and shouldn't eat and drink.

  • Talking to Parents About Depression for Teens

    If you feel depressed, you need to reach out for help and support. Read our tips for teens on talking to parents about depression.

  • Someone in My Friend's Family Died. What Should I Do? for Kids

    Your friend probably feels a sadness called grief. People show their grief in different ways. They might need or want different things to help them feel better. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Solids and Supplementing for Parents

    Here are answers to some common supplemental feeding questions - from when to introduce solids to offering breastfed babies formula.