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You searched for: getting-muscles
  • Kids and Exercise for Parents

    Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.

  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • Boys and Puberty for Kids

    On the way to becoming a man, a boy's body will go through a lot of changes, including your body growing bigger, your voice changing, and hair sprouting everywhere. Find out more.

  • Torticollis for Parents

    Torticollis is a common condition that causes a stiff neck or neck pain that makes it hard for kids to turn their heads.

  • Sports Supplements for Parents

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. But there aren't enough long-term studies to know if they're safe for teens.

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee) for Parents

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome (or runner's knee) is the most common overuse injury among runners, but it can also happen to other athletes who do activities that require a lot of knee bending.

  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (Runner's Knee) for Teens

    Patellofemoral pain syndrome (or runner's knee) is the most common overuse injury among runners, but it can also happen to other athletes who do activities that require a lot of knee bending.

  • Muscular Dystrophy for Parents

    Muscular dystrophy is a disorder that weakens a person's muscles over time. People who have the disease can gradually lose the ability to do everyday tasks.

  • Spastic Cerebral Palsy for Parents

    Kids with spastic CP have stiff muscles in the upper part of the body, the lower part, or both.

  • What to Expect When Your Cast Comes Off for Teens

    You probably can't wait to get back to your normal activities, but it takes a while for a limb that's been in a cast to finish healing. Here's what to expect.