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  • Sleep and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    By this age, your baby should be on the way to having a regular sleep pattern, sleeping longer at night, and taking 2 or 3 naps during the day.

  • A to Z: Cardiac Arrest for Parents

    With this medical emergency, the heart suddenly stops beating and prevents oxygen from getting to the body. Read more about it here.

  • Tummy Time for Parents

    Tummy time helps babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles and prepare them for crawling. Here's how to do it.

  • Smoking and Pregnancy for Parents

    Especially during pregnancy, it’s best to avoid all tobacco or nicotine-containing products. Here's why.

  • What to Do if You Can't Sleep for Kids

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Find out how to get your ZZZZZs.

  • A Guide for First-Time Parents for Parents

    If you're a new parent, get the basics in this guide about burping, bathing, bonding, and other baby-care concerns.

  • Swaddling Your Baby for Parents

    Swaddling babies properly may help them relax and sleep. Learn the right way to swaddle infants and keep them safe.

  • Flat Head Syndrome (Positional Plagiocephaly) for Parents

    Babies can develop a flat spot on the back of their heads, usually from sleeping in the same position too long. Alternating your baby's sleep position and providing lots of "tummy time" can help.

  • Water Safety for Teens

    Swimming and other water sports are a great way to beat the heat. Read this article to find out how you can stay safe at the pool, beach, lake - and even the water park.

  • Running Away for Kids

    Have you ever thought of running away? It can be a dangerous decision. Find out more in this article for kids.