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You searched for: fungi
  • A to Z: Tinea Corporis (Ringworm) for Parents

    Tinea corporis (ringworm) is a common skin infection that usually gets better with treatment.

  • A to Z: Septicemia for Parents

    Learn about this condition, in which an infection can spread into the blood and cause serious health problems.

  • A to Z Symptom: Rash for Parents

    A rash is an area of irritated, bumpy, painful, or swollen skin. Most aren't harmful or dangerous.

  • Flu (Topic Center) for Parents

    Learn all about protecting your family from the flu and what to do if your child gets flu-like symptoms.

  • Diaper Rash for Parents

    Diaper rash is a very common infection that can cause a baby's skin to become sore, red, scaly, and tender. In most cases, it clears up with simple changes in diapering.

  • Wound Drainage Culture for Parents

    Doctors order wound drainage cultures when they suspect wounds are infected.

  • A to Z: Lymphadenitis for Parents

    Learn about bacterial infections and problems of the lymphatic system.

  • A to Z: Erythema Multiforme for Parents

    Erythema multiforme is a skin condition caused by a hypersensitive reaction to an infection or, in some cases, medication.

  • A to Z: Esophagitis for Parents

    Learn about conditions that affect the esophagus and upper gastrointestinal tract.

  • A to Z: Sinusitis for Parents

    Sinusitis is an infection that causes the sinuses (moist air spaces within the bones of the face around the nose) to swell or become irritated.