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You searched for: vitamin
  • Vitamins for Kids

    How vital are vitamins? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Vitamin D for Parents

    Vitamin D is needed for strong bones, but is hard to come by because it's found in few foods. Here's how to make sure kids get enough vitamin D.

  • Vitamins and Minerals for Teens

    Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that the body needs to work properly. They boost the immune system, promote normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs.

  • A to Z: Vitamin D Deficiency for Parents

    Vitamin D deficiency is a condition that happens when a person isn't getting enough vitamin D, which is needed for strong bones and overall health.

  • Why Do Newborns Need a Vitamin K Shot? for Parents

    Newborns need a dose of vitamin K at birth. Here's why.

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding? Nutrients You Need for Parents

    Learn which nutrients you need while pregnant or breastfeeding, and easy ways to add them to your diet.

  • 3 Ways to Build Strong Bones for Parents

    We build almost all our bone density when we're kids and teens. Kids with strong bones have a better chance of avoiding bone weakness later in life. Here's how parents can help.

  • Rickets for Parents

    Rickets is when bones become soft and weak, usually because a child doesn't get enough vitamin D. Most kids with rickets get better with treatment.

  • Does Nonfat Milk Provide the Same Nutrients as Whole Milk? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Calcium for Parents

    Milk and other calcium-rich foods help build strong, healthy bones. But most kids and teens don't get enough calcium. Here's how to make sure that yours do.

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