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  • The Ponseti Method: Casting Phase for Parents

    The Ponseti method to treat clubfoot is done in two phases – the casting phase gradually moves the foot to the correct position, and the bracing phase makes sure it stays there. Learn about casting.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 2 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow at a rapid pace. Here's what to expect this month.

  • Week 20 for Parents

    You're now halfway through your pregnancy and possibly feeling your baby's first movements, which may begin between weeks 18 and 20.

  • Week 15 for Parents

    Muscle development continues, and your baby is probably making lots of movements with his or her head, mouth, arms, wrists, hands, legs, and feet.

  • Week 32 for Parents

    At this stage in the pregnancy, your baby's hair is developing, in the form of eyelashes, eyebrows, and on your baby's head.

  • Week 36 for Parents

    At this point, your appetite may return because the baby has dropped down into your pelvis, and is no longer putting as much pressure on your stomach and intestines.

  • Week 25 for Parents

    You may notice that your baby has resting and alert periods. Your baby's hearing has continued to develop, too — he or she may now be able to hear your voice!

  • Week 30 for Parents

    Your baby continues to gain weight and layers of fat that will provide warmth after birth.

  • Week 12 for Parents

    Tiny fingernails and toenails start to form this week, which is the last of your first trimester.

  • Week 7 for Parents

    The umbilical cord has formed, and the mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes are some of the facial features that become more defined this week. The arm bud now has a hand on the end of it, which looks like a tiny paddle.

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