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  • Your Child's Development: 9 Months for Parents

    Doctors use certain milestones to tell if a baby is developing as expected. Here are some things your baby might be doing this month.

  • A to Z: Dislocation, Elbow for Parents

    A dislocation is when the bones in a joint slip out of their normal position. A dislocated elbow happesn when the upper and lower parts of the arm to slip out of position.

  • Communication and Your 8- to 12-Month-Old for Parents

    Babies this age might be about to say their first words, and communicate using body language. Read more about communicating with your baby.

  • High-Impact Exercising During Pregnancy for Parents

    Most moms-to-be benefit greatly from exercising. But there are some types to avoid during pregnancy.

  • Pectus Excavatum: Vacuum Bell Device for Parents

    Health care providers sometimes suggest that kids use a vacuum bell to help correct pectus excavatum, a condition that causes a caved-in chest.

  • A to Z: Wound Dehiscence for Parents

    Wound dehiscence is a condition where a cut made during a surgical procedure separates or ruptures after it has been stitched back together.

  • Marfan Syndrome Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about Marfan syndrome and how to help students with the condition succeed in school.

  • A to Z Symptom: Chest Pain for Parents

    Most causes of chest pain in kids and teens are not serious and will clear up with minimal or no treatment.

  • A to Z: Slipped Disc for Parents

    Activities and sports that put stress on the back can lead to a slipped disc, which can cause pain in the back, arms, and legs.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Playpens for Parents

    Playpens are popular because parents can put their baby in one knowing that their little one can't wander off. But they're no substitute for adult supervision.

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