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You searched for: expert-depression
  • Depression in Teens: How Parents Can Help for Parents

    All teens feel sad or moody at times. But when a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer, and when there are other changes in how a teen acts, it could be a sign of depression. Find out what to do.

  • 5 Ways to Help Yourself Through Depression for Teens

    It's important to take action against depression - it doesn't just go away on its own. In addition to getting professional help, here are 5 ways to feel better.

  • Why Do People Get Depressed? for Teens

    There's no one reason why people get depressed - many different things can play a role. Find out more about the things that can trigger depression.

  • Is Your Child Depressed? (Video) for Parents

    How can you tell the difference between everyday moodiness and depression? Learn the signs of depression and discover ways to help your child feel better.

  • Childhood Depression: What Parents Need to Know for Parents

    When a sad or bad mood lasts for weeks or longer and there are other changes in a child’s behavior, it might be depression. Learn the signs of depression and what parents can do to help their child.

  • Depression Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about depression and how to help a student who is depressed.

  • Depression: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Depression is very common. For information about depression and feeling better, read this article for teens.

  • A to Z: Depression for Parents

    Depression is a mood disorder that can affect people of all ages, including kids and teens.

  • How Can I Help a Friend Who Is Depressed? for Teens

    Depression can make it hard for someone to see a better future. Here's how to help a friend who's depressed.

  • Postpartum Depression for Parents

    It's important for new mothers – and those who love them – to understand the symptoms of postpartum depression and reach out to family, friends, and medical professionals for help.

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