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You searched for: bring-breakfast
  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • Back to School for Parents

    Kids often have a tough time making the back-to-school transition. Here's how to help them.

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School for Parents

    Kids do better in school when parents are involved. These early years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child's education.

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Parents

    Doctor may recommend the DASH diet for kids who've had a blood pressure reading that was higher than normal. The DASH diet is not a strict diet, but more of a lifestyle.

  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Going Back to School for Kids

    There's a lot of "new" in the first day of school. New teachers, new friends, new shoes, new notebooks, and sometimes, a new school. Find out more about going back to school in this article for kids.

  • What Happens in the Operating Room? for Kids

    Surgeries and operations happen in the operating room, sometimes called the OR. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Starting a Farm-to-School Program for Parents

    Farm-to-school programs are a great way to get students excited about healthy eating. This article is for educators.

  • Celiac Disease Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about celiac disease, and how to help students with the digestive disorder succeed in school.

  • Smart Snacking for Teens

    Find out how eating nutritious snacks throughout the day can keep your energy level high and your mind alert.

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