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You searched for: rule-breaking
  • Hemangiomas: Suzanne's Story for Parents

    When Anna was born, she developed red spots that her parents learned were hemangiomas, benign birthmarks that she eventually outgrew. Her mother tells her story.

  • Head Injuries for Parents

    Head injuries can be external or internal. Learn more about both kinds, how to prevent them, and what to do if your child is injured.

  • Mental Health & Social Media Use: What Parents Can Do for Parents

    Using social media has benefits and risks for kids. Here's how to help them be more mindful about it, spend less time on it, and preserve their mental health.

  • What Happens to Swallowed Gum? for Kids

    Gulp. You accidentally swallowed your gum. Will it really stay in your stomach for years?

  • ADHD and School for Parents

    ADHD can affect a child's ability to do well in school and even make friends. This article for parents has tips on working with teachers to help your child succeed.

  • Dealing With Traffic for Teens

    Congestion, nighttime, and construction zone driving are tricky driving conditions. Here are tips for teen drivers on handling these situations.

  • Dealing With Divorce for Teens

    A lot of emotions can pop up when change happens to your family, but learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.

  • Helping Your Gradeschooler With Homework for Parents

    During grade school, kids start getting homework to reinforce and extend classroom learning and teach them important study skills. Here's how parents can help.

  • Water Safety for Teens

    Swimming and other water sports are a great way to beat the heat. Read this article to find out how you can stay safe at the pool, beach, lake - and even the water park.

  • 5 Ways to Make Holiday Travel Easier for Parents

    Holiday traveling with kids can be a lot to handle. Here are 5 ways to make it easier and safer.

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