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You searched for: donating
  • Be a Volunteer for Kids

    Volunteering gives you a great feeling because you know you're making a difference. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Hereditary Hemochromatosis for Parents

    This genetic disease causes the body to store too much iron. Learn more about hemochromatosis.

  • Kidney Disease for Teens

    Sometimes, the kidneys can't do their job properly. In teens, kidney disease is usually due to infections, structural issues, glomerulonephritis, or nephrotic syndrome.

  • Stem Cell Transplants for Parents

    Stem cells help rebuild a weakened immune system. Stem cell transplants are effective treatments for a wide range of diseases, including cancer.

  • A to Z: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome for Parents

    Learn about hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare and serious defect of the heart.

  • A to Z: Dermatomyositis for Parents

    Learn about dermatomyositis, an inflammatory muscle disease that weakens muscles and produces a distinctive skin rash.

  • A to Z: Polymyositis for Parents

    Polymyositis is an uncommon disease that causes muscle weakness, pain, and inflammation. It usually affects adults.

  • A to Z: Graft Versus Host Disease for Parents

    When a person receives a stem cell transplant, this treatable complication can make it tougher for the immune system to heal.

  • What Happens in ACL Surgery? for Teens

    If you tore your ACL, you might need this surgery to fix it. Find out what's involved.

  • Malaria for Parents

    Malaria can cause mild illness in some people and life-threatening illness in others. Proper treatment can cure malaria.

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