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You searched for: cystic fibrosis
  • Bacon Mushroom Chicken for Teens

    This creamy chicken dish has a wonderful taste of bacon and garlic.

  • Bacon and Cheddar Cheese Quiche for Parents

    This dish can be eaten for any meal of the day. And it freezes well!

  • Incentive Spirometer for Kids

    This article helps kids understand how incentive spirometry works. An incentive spirometer is a way for kids to do breathing exercises to help them get better after some types of surgery or when they have an illness.

  • Incentive Spirometer for Teens

    An incentive spirometer is a way to do breathing exercises to help with healing after surgery or to manage an illness. This article explains how incentive spirometry works.

  • Nutrition & Fitness (Topic Center) for Parents

    You know the importance of exercising and eating nutritious foods, but do you know how to raise a healthy and active child? Get practical advice and tips.

  • What Is a Gene? for Kids

    Why does one kid have green eyes while another kid's eyes are brown? It's all in the genes! Find out how genes work, what happens when there are problems with genes, and more.

  • A to Z: Growth Disorder for Parents

    Growth disorders are medical problems that stop kids from growing taller or gaining weight as they should.

  • A to Z: Rectal Prolapse for Parents

    Learn about conditions that affect the rectum, anus, and digestive system.

  • Dirt Pudding for Teens

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for teens with cystic fibrosis (CF), who may need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • A to Z: Bronchiectasis for Parents

    Learn about causes of breathing difficulties and conditions that can affect the lungs and bronchi.

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