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Buscó lo siguiente: xray-c-spine-esp
  • X-Ray Exam: Cervical Spine for Parents

    This X-ray can, among other things, help find the cause of neck, shoulder, upper back, or arm pain. It's commonly done after someone has been in an automobile or other accident.

  • X-Ray Exams for Parents

    An X-ray is a safe and painless test that uses a small amount of radiation to make an image of bones, organs, and other parts of the body.

  • X-Ray Exam: Scoliosis for Parents

    Kids with scoliosis have a spine that curves, like an S or a C. If scoliosis is suspected, a doctor may order X-rays to measure the curvature of the spine.

  • Radiografías (para Padres) Para Padres

    Una radiografía es una prueba segura e indolora que usa una pequeña cantidad de radiación para generar una imagen de los huesos, órganos y otras partes del cuerpo.

  • Radiografía: Columna cervical (para Padres) Para Padres

    Esta radiografía puede, entre otras cosas, ayudar a encontrar la causa del dolor en el cuello, el hombro, la parte superior de la espalda o el brazo. Por lo general, se hace después de que alguien ha estado en un accidente de automóvil o de otro tipo.

  • X-Ray Exam: Chest for Parents

    A chest X-ray is a safe and painless test that uses a small amount of radiation to take a picture of a person's chest, including the heart, lungs, diaphragm, lymph nodes, upper spine, ribs, collarbone, and breastbone.

  • Allergies (Topic Center) for Parents

    This page has information about different types of allergies, how to prevent reactions, and what to do if your child has allergies.

  • X-Ray Exam: Abdomen for Parents

    An abdominal X-ray can help find the cause of problems such as pain, kidney stones, intestinal blockage, a hole in the intestine, or an abdominal mass such as a tumor.

  • X-Ray Exam: Leg Length for Parents

    Some kids may have significant differences in the length of their legs, a condition known as leg length discrepancy. This X-ray exam can help doctors see the exact difference in leg length so they can decide on a treatment.

  • Radiografía: Abdomen (para Padres) Para Padres

    Una radiografía abdominal puede ayudar a los médicos a encontrar la causa del dolor abdominal y de los vómitos. A veces, estas radiografías permiten detectar piedras en los riñones (o cálculos renales), una obstrucción intestinal, una perforación intestinal (u orificio) o una masa, como un tumor.