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You searched for: weight-mindset
  • Choosing Your Mood for Teens

    Choosing your mood means being in control of it instead of feeling like it's controlling you. Here are tips on how to create the right mood to help you succeed at what you're trying to do.

  • 5 Ways to Cope With Anxiety for Teens

    Everyone feels worried or nervous at times. Here are 5 tips for teens to help manage anxiety.

  • Optimism for Teens

    Optimists see the good in things -- and science has discovered that optimists can do better in life. The good news is, even pessimists can be more optimistic. Find out how.

  • Being Happier (Topic Center) for Teens

    What makes people happy? How can you boost your own happiness? This site has information and activities based on the science of positive psychology to help you succeed, make a difference, handle difficult emotions, and build good relationship skills.

  • How to Live a Happy Life for Teens

    Research shows that just 10% of happiness depends on a person's situation. We actually have more control over happiness than we might think. Find out how.

  • What Should I Do if I Think I Have Bipolar Disorder? for Teens

    With the right care, people learn ways to manage the moods that bipolar causes. Here’s what to do if you think your moods are more than normal ups and downs.

  • Confidence for Teens

    Confidence means believing in yourself and in your abilities – not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way.

  • Gratitude for Teens

    Gratitude doesn't just feel good. Focusing on what's good in our lives can also be good for us. Find out how.

  • 3 Ways to Practice Gratitude for Teens

    Gratitude doesn't just feel good, it can be good for you. These 3 steps can help you start feeling more appreciative of the good things in your life.

  • 5 Ways to Be a Defensive Driver for Teens

    These defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people's bad driving.