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You searched for: teens-talk-health-vd
  • Someone in My Friend's Family Died. What Should I Do? for Kids

    Your friend probably feels a sadness called grief. People show their grief in different ways. They might need or want different things to help them feel better. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Suicide for Teens

    We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. Here are the warning signs of suicide and ways to get help.

  • What to Do When You Feel Sad for Kids

    Everyone is sad once in a while. But depression is a sadness that goes on too long and hurts too much. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Teens Talk About Cutting for Teens

    We get lots of comments about our cutting articles. Because many of our readers' suggestions and comments are so helpful, we decided to put a few on our site.

  • Asthma: Parents Talk (Video) for Parents

    Hear what parents have to say about raising kids with asthma.

  • Cerebral Palsy: Parents Talk (Video) for Parents

    Get advice from parents raising kids with cerebral palsy. Learn what works, what doesn’t, and what helped these families the most.

  • Delayed Speech or Language Development for Parents

    Knowing how speech and language develop can help you figure out if you should be concerned or if your child is right on schedule.

  • Helping Teens Who Self-Harm for Parents

    Cutting and other forms of self-injury among teens have become more common in recent years. Learn how to help a teen who self-harms.

  • How Can I Help a Friend Who Cuts? for Teens

    Some people cope by cutting themselves. This article helps friends understand why people cut and gives some tips on what you can to help your friend — and yourself.

  • About Teen Suicide for Parents

    When a teen commits suicide, everyone is affected. The reasons behind a suicide or attempted suicide can be complex, but often there are warning signs.