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You searched for: snacking
  • Snacks for Parents

    If the right foods are offered at the right times, snacks can play an important role in managing kids' hunger and boosting nutrition.

  • Snacks for Preschoolers for Parents

    Healthy and well-timed snacks can help fill in nutritional gaps for preschoolers. But how do you turn yours into a smart snacker?

  • Snacks for Toddlers for Parents

    Some toddlers may seem too busy exploring to slow down and eat. Others may be fickle about food or refuse to eat at mealtime. That's where healthy, well-timed snacks come in.

  • Smart Snacking for Teens

    Find out how eating nutritious snacks throughout the day can keep your energy level high and your mind alert.

  • After-School Snacks for Parents

    If your kids come in from school and head straight for the kitchen for something to eat, here's how to make sure they still have room for a healthy dinner.

  • Simple Snack Mix for Kids

    This recipe is perfect for beginner cooks.

  • Snacks for School-Age Kids for Parents

    Healthy snacks can help parents manage school-age kids' hunger and boost nutrition.

  • How to Make a Healthy Snack for Parents

    Healthy snacks give your child the right balance of fiber and protein.

  • Sausage Meatballs for Teens

    This is a great appetizer or snack.

  • Sausage Meatballs for Parents

    This is a great appetizer or snack.