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You searched for: sleeping-late
  • When Being Overweight Is a Health Problem for Teens

    A couple of pounds of extra body fat are not a health risk for most people. But when people are severely overweight, it can cause health problems.

  • Week 34 for Parents

    Your baby is probably in position for delivery — your health care provider can tell you if your baby is positioned head- or bottom-first.

  • Well-Child Visit: 11 Years for Parents

    Find out what the well-child visit will involve when your child is 11.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Getting Started for Parents

    Here are answers to common questions about getting started with breastfeeding.

  • Dealing With Divorce for Teens

    A lot of emotions can pop up when change happens to your family, but learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.

  • Chiari I Malformation for Parents

    Many kids with this brain condition aren't bothered by it. Those who have symptoms can often find relief with medicines or surgery.

  • Chemotherapy for Teens

    Chemotherapy (chemo) is treatment with medicines that stop the growth of cancer cells. Find out how chemo works and what to expect when getting treatment.

  • Coping With Divorce for Kids

    If your parents decide to divorce, you may have a lot of emotions and questions. Here are some ways to feel better and get through it all.

  • Binge Eating Disorder for Parents

    Kids who eat unusually large amounts of food - and feel guilty or secretive about it - could be struggling with binge eating disorder.

  • Hodgkin Lymphoma for Parents

    Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system. Most kids and teens who get Hodgkin lymphoma get better.