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You searched for: hair-loss
  • A to Z: Vitiligo for Parents

    Vitiligo is a loss of skin pigment that causes white spots or patches to appear on the skin.

  • Hearing Tests for Parents

    Hearing problems can be overcome if they're caught early, so it's important to get your child's hearing screened early and checked regularly.

  • Cochlear Implants for Parents

    Cochlear implants can help many kids with severe hearing loss. Find out how they work and who can get them.

  • Health Care Providers: Dermatologists for Parents

    A dermatologist is a doctor who helps people take care of their skin, hair, and nails, and diagnoses and treats problems when they do happen.

  • Vitiligo for Parents

    While vitiligo might make kids self-conscious, this skin condition is not medically dangerous. Kids with vitiligo are as healthy as other kids.

  • A to Z: Tinea Capitis for Parents

    Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp) is a fungal scalp infection that can be cured with medication.

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) for Parents

    Rhabdomyosarcoma is a cancerous tumor that shows up in the body's soft tissues. With early diagnosis and timely treatment, most kids make a full recovery.

  • Dandruff for Teens

    If you're worried about dandruff, you're not alone. Dandruff can start in puberty, and lots of teens and adults live with it. Learn how to control it.

  • Radiation Therapy for Parents

    Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, irradiation, or X-ray therapy, is one of the most common forms of cancer treatment.

  • Ears for Parents

    Hearing may be the ears' main job, but it's not all they do. Learn all about the ears in this Body Basics article.