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You searched for: form-safeti
  • Water Safety for Parents

    Kids need constant supervision around water — whether the water is in a bathtub, pool, the sea, or a water park. Here's how to keep them safe.

  • Bathroom Water Safety for Parents

    Always supervise young kids in the bath to keep them safe. Here are other bathroom water safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Inline Skating for Teens

    Inline skating is good exercise and an excellent off-season training program for hockey and skiing. To stay safe while inline skating, take a look at these tips.

  • Pool Safety for Parents

    Having a pool, pond, spa, or hot tub on your property is a huge responsibility when it comes to safety. Here’s how can you keep kids – yours and others – safe.

  • Childproofing and Preventing Household Accidents for Parents

    You might think of babies and toddlers when you hear the words "babyproofing" or "childproofing," but unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in kids 14 and under.

  • Safety Tips: Skateboarding for Parents

    Skateboarding is undeniably cool, but it's also easy for riders to get hurt. Help your kids keep it safe with these safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Skateboarding for Teens

    Skateboarding is undeniably cool, but it's also easy to get hurt. Keep it safe while skateboarding with these safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Running for Parents

    Injuries can be common, and runners should always be aware of their surroundings. These tips can help keep runners safe.

  • Safety Tips: Running for Teens

    Injuries can be common, and runners should always be aware of their surroundings. To keep things safe while running, follow these tips.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.