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  • Safety Tips: Fastpitch Softball for Teens

    Softball is a very safe sport, especially slow-pitch. But in fastpitch, things speed up, and that increases the chances of getting hurt. So keep these safety tips in mind.

  • Safety Tips: Football for Teens

    Football is a lot of fun, but since the name of the game is to hit somebody, injuries are common. To keep things as safe as possible, follow these tips.

  • Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome for Teens

    This growth-related injury is more common in teens who play sports that require a lot of running or jumping. Find out why it happens - and what you can do to avoid and treat it.

  • Bike Safety for Teens

    The sun is shining - why not dust off your bike and go for a ride? Before you hit the trail, though, read these tips on the right type of bike and gear you will need.

  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease for Parents

    Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is one of the most common causes of knee pain in adolescents. It's really not a disease, but an overuse injury.

  • Bike Safety for Parents

    Bike riding is a great way to get exercise and share time as a family. But there's an important factor that you need to consider - safety.

  • Bike Safety for Kids

    Some simple rules can keep you safe on two wheels. Lean more about bike riding in this article for kids.