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You searched for: bones-it
  • What's Anemia? for Kids

    What does it mean when a kid has anemia? Learn about anemia, why kids get it, and how it's treated in our article for kids.

  • Aplastic Anemia for Parents

    Aplastic anemia happens when the body can't make enough blood cells. A person can develop anemia, infections, and bleeding. Treatments can help with most kinds of aplastic anemia.

  • How the Body Works for Kids

    The human body is an amazing machine. Learn more about it through movies, quizzes, articles, and more.

  • RASopathies for Parents

    RASopathies are a group of genetic conditions caused by problems in the RAS pathway, which is one way cells in the body communicate.

  • What Does Dislocation Mean? for Kids

    A dislocation is when one or more bones at a joint moves out of place.

  • Late Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment for Parents

    Long-term side effects, or late effects, happen to many cancer survivors. With early diagnosis and proper follow-up care, most late effects can be treated or cured.

  • Lymphatic Malformations for Parents

    A lymphatic malformation is a clump of lymph vessels that form a growing, jumbled, spongy cluster. They're unusual growths, but are not cancerous.

  • Neutropenia for Parents

    Certain cancers, or cancer treatment, can weaken the immune system, requiring a child to stay home to avoid exposure to germs. Here are ways to help your child make the best of it.

  • Childhood Cancer for Parents

    Different kinds of childhood cancer have different signs, symptoms, treatments, and outcomes. But today, most kids with cancer get better.

  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip for Parents

    Babies can be born with this hip problem or develop it soon after birth. Early treatment can help the hip joint grow normally.