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  • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in Babies for Parents

    When babies have reflux, they spit up. Often, this happens after a feeding. Some simple feeding changes can help most babies with reflux spit up less.

  • Reading Books to Babies for Parents

    Reading aloud to your baby stimulates developing senses, and builds listening and memory skills that can help your baby grow up to be a reader.

  • Choosing Safe Toys for Babies for Parents

    All toys you select for your baby or toddler should meet safety standards. These tips can help you find safe toys for your little one.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products for Parents

    Choosing baby products can be confusing, but one consideration must never be compromised: your little one's safety.

  • Why Are Babies Born Early? for Parents

    Many things can cause a baby to be born early or with health problems. Some of these things can be controlled, but others can’t. Find out what you can do to have a healthy pregnancy.

  • Safe Sleep for Babies (Video) for Parents

    Guard against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) by learning how to safely put your baby to sleep.

  • Media Use Guidelines: Babies & Toddlers for Parents

    Not sure how much screen time is appropriate for your baby or toddler? Get advice here.

  • Caring for Your Premature Baby at Home for Parents

    Here’s what you need to know about keeping your baby safe and healthy over the next few weeks.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Gates for Parents

    Gates placed at the top of stairs or in doorways are used to keep toddlers away from hazardous areas of the home. Here's what to look for.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Playpens for Parents

    Playpens are popular because parents can put their baby in one knowing that their little one can't wander off. But they're no substitute for adult supervision.