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You searched for: casts-splints
  • Splints for Teens

    A splint is a support device that keeps an injured area from moving. Doctors often use splints to hold bones and joints in place so they can heal after a fracture.

  • Splints for Kids

    A splint is a support device that keeps an injured area from moving. Doctors often use splints to hold bones and joints in place so they can heal after a break.

  • Splints for Parents

    A splint is a support device that keeps an injured area from moving. Doctors often use splints to hold bones and joints in place so they can heal after a fracture.

  • How Broken Bones Heal for Kids

    Broken bones have an amazing ability to heal, especially in kids. Here's how.

  • How Broken Bones Heal for Teens

    Broken bones have an amazing ability to heal. New bone forms within a few weeks of the injury, although full healing can take longer.

  • How Broken Bones Heal for Parents

    Broken bones have an amazing ability to heal, especially in kids. Full healing can take time, but new bone usually forms a few weeks after an injury.

  • A to Z: Fracture, Scaphoid (Wrist) for Parents

    A fractured scaphoid is a broken small bone in the wrist.

  • Broken Bones for Teens

    Bones are tough stuff — but even tough stuff can break. Find out what happens when a bone fractures.

  • Broken Bones for Kids

    What happens when you break a bone?

  • Broken Bones for Parents

    Many kids will have a broken bone at some point. Here's what to expect.