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You searched for: weight'-matter
  • Stress Less Over Tests for Teens

    Find out how to handle the stress that comes with tests.

  • How Can Social Connection Reduce Loneliness? for Teens

    Social connection means feelings of closeness, bonding, and belonging. Increasing social connection can help reduce loneliness. Find out how..

  • How Can I Tell if My Baby Is Constipated? for Parents

    A baby probably isn't constipated if their stool (poop) is soft, no matter how often the bowel movements happen or if the baby strains to pass them.

  • Texting on the Move for Teens

    You've heard the warnings about texting and driving, but it's also risky to text and walk. Read our tips for safe texting.

  • Teaching Kids About Their Bodies for Parents

    Teaching kids about their bodies and what is private can help them develop healthy feelings about their bodies in age-appropriate ways.

  • 5 Ways to Know Your Feelings Better for Teens

    Emotional awareness (knowing what we feel and why) helps us learn about ourselves and build good relationships. Here are 5 ways to get more in touch with your emotions.

  • Therapy and Weight Management for Teens

    Losing weight can feel like a challenge, no matter how much we want it. It can sometimes seem like our minds are working against us. That's where weight-management counselors can help.

  • Should I Gain Weight? for Teens

    Some teens think that they're too skinny, and wonder if they should do something about it. It’s normal to gain weight during the teen years, but trying to put on extra pounds may not be the way to go.

  • Motivation and the Power of Not Giving Up for Teens

    Everyone struggles with staying motivated and reaching their goals. Just look at how many people diet, lose weight, and then gain it back again. But it's still possible to stay motivated if you take the right approach.

  • Sleep and Your Newborn for Parents

    Newborn babies don’t yet have a sense of day and night. They wake often to eat – no matter what time it is.