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You searched for: veggies
  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Parents

    The USDA's food guide icon is designed to make meal planning easy. Here's how to get MyPlate onto your table.

  • Sweet Potato & Zucchini Pancakes for Parents

    This side dish will have your kids asking, "More veggies, please!"

  • How to Add Balance to a Favorite Meal for Parents

    It can be easy to add balance to your child's favorite meals. Find out how to do it.

  • Smart Snacking for Teens

    Find out how eating nutritious snacks throughout the day can keep your energy level high and your mind alert.

  • Managing Your Medical Care (Topic Center) for Teens

    This page has advice on how to get involved in taking charge of your health and choosing the right health care providers.

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Parents

    Doctor may recommend the DASH diet for kids who've had a blood pressure reading that was higher than normal. The DASH diet is not a strict diet, but more of a lifestyle.

  • Stress Less: Eat, Play, Sleep for Kids

    Eat healthy foods. Be active every day. Get the right amount of sleep. These daily habits are good for your mental health. Find out how to make them work for you in this article for kids.

  • Staying at a Healthy Weight for Teens

    Here are some practical, everyday tips on making exercise and healthy eating work for you instead of feeling like it's the other way around.

  • Scrumptious Spinach Pie for Parents

    One taste of this spinach pie and your kids will say: "More veggies, please!"