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You searched for: v-muffins
  • Southern-Style Beef Pie for Parents

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for kids with cystic fibrosis (CF), who may need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • My Toddler Hates Vegetables. What Can I Do? for Parents

    Do your toddler's veggies end up on the floor or cold on the plate? Try these tips.

  • Southern-Style Beef Pie for Teens

    This high-calorie recipe is especially for teens with cystic fibrosis (CF), who may need additional calories to meet their nutritional needs.

  • Egg Allergy for Kids

    Babies sometimes have an allergic reaction to eggs. If that happens, they can't eat eggs for a while. But the good news is that most kids outgrow this allergy by age 5.

  • Breakfast Basics for Parents

    Even if you eat a healthy morning meal every day, it can be tough to get kids fueled up. Here's how to make breakfast more appealing.

  • Fiber for Teens

    Some of the best and most delicious foods have loads of fiber. Find out how to get your fill of fiber!

  • Calcium for Teens

    Your parents were right to make you drink milk when you were little. It's loaded with calcium, a mineral vital for building strong bones and teeth.

  • Learn About Cooking for Kids

    Do you like to eat? If so, you might like to learn to cook. Find out how in this article for kids.

  • Eating at Restaurants When You Have Diabetes for Teens

    Dining out is probably a part of your social scene. If you have diabetes, you can pretty much eat the same foods as your friends and family. You just have to keep track of what you eat and enjoy certain foods in moderation.

  • Eating Smart When Your Child Has Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with diabetes don't have to follow a special diabetes diet, but they may need to pay more attention to when they eat and how much is on their plates.