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You searched for: teeth
  • Your Teeth for Kids

    There's much more to a tooth than meets the eye. This article for kids gives you the inside story.

  • Quiz: Teeth for Kids

    Take this quiz about your teeth.

  • Teething Tots for Parents

    Teething can be a tough time for babies and parents. Here are the facts on teething, including tips for baby teeth hygiene and relieving pain.

  • What Are Wisdom Teeth? for Kids

    You will have learned a lot by the time you get your wisdom teeth, but they don't make you any smarter!

  • What Are Canine Teeth? for Kids

    Your canine teeth are the pointy ones next to your front teeth.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Teens

    Did you know that your mouth is the first step in the body's digestive process? Or that the mouth and teeth are essential for speech? Learn about the many roles your mouth and teeth play.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Parents

    Our mouth and teeth play an important role in our daily lives. Here's a course on the basics - including common problems of the mouth and teeth.

  • First Aid: Teeth Injuries for Parents

    If your child loses a baby tooth, there's no need to replace it. But if a permanent tooth is dislodged, it's a dental emergency. Here's what to do.

  • Taking Care of Your Teeth for Teens

    There's a lot more to taking care of your teeth than breath mints and mouth sprays. Read this article to learn the facts on flossing, how to give plaque the brush-off, and much more.

  • What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.