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You searched for: send-child''-camp
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  • Camps for Kids With Special Needs for Parents

    There are many camp choices for kids with special needs. From highly specialized camps to regular camps that accommodate kids with special needs, options abound.

  • Traveling and Asthma for Parents

    With some careful planning, kids with asthma can enjoy all the benefits of a trip away from home.

  • Giardiasis for Parents

    Giardiasis, a top cause of diarrhea, is an intestinal illness caused by a tiny parasite. Infections pass easily from person to person.

  • Celiac Disease for Parents

    Celiac disease happens when someone has a food intolerance to gluten. Here's how to manage symptoms and prevent damage to the intestines.

  • Raising a Summer Reader for Parents

    Help your kids keep their reading skills strong so they're ready for school.