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You searched for: school-violence
  • School Violence: What Students Can Do for Teens

    When a tragedy happens, it's natural to want to make sense of the situation. Find out what students can do.

  • Talking to Kids About Gun Violence for Parents

    When gun violence is in the news, kids might worry that it could happen to them or someone they love. Here's how to talk to them about it.

  • Monitoring Your Child's Media Use for Parents

    Some ways for parents to keep track of the media their kids watch, play, and use.

  • How to Talk to Your Child About the News for Parents

    News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

  • Talking to Your Child About World Conflicts for Parents

    Talking with kids about violence and world conflict (like what's happening in the Middle East and Ukraine) can be hard. Here are some tips.

  • Someone at School Has a Weapon. What Should I Do? for Teens

    If you think that someone is bringing a weapon to school or threatening someone else's life, it requires immediate attention. This article offers some tips on getting help.

  • How to Heal After Trauma for Teens

    A trauma is any event that’s deeply upsetting, scary, or harmful. It can cause you to fear for your life or safety. Here’s how to help handle the stress, get support, and find ways to cope.

  • Abuse: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Abuse means treating another person with violence, cruelty, harm, or force. It's never OK, and it's not the fault of the person who is being abused. Tell an adult you trust or call a helpline.

  • How Media Use Can Affect Kids for Parents

    Technology can be part of a healthy childhood, but it's important for parents to track their kids' screen time and set limits.

  • Childhood Stress: How Parents Can Help for Parents

    Stress is a normal response to changes and challenges. And life is full of those, even during childhood. Here are tips for parents on helping kids cope with normal stress and how to tell when stress is serious.