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You searched for: home-paint-lead
  • Choosing Safe Toys for School-Age Kids for Parents

    Is your 10-year-old crying for a pellet gun? How about that used scooter? For help figuring out what toys are safe and appropriate for older kids, read these tips.

  • What Are Inhalants? for Parents

    Inhalants like glue are sniffed or huffed to give the user a high. Doing it even once can be fatal.

  • Pregnancy Precautions for Parents

    There can be a lot of questions about what's safe during pregnancy. Find out what's OK and what you should avoid before your baby is born.

  • Asthma Triggers for Parents

    Triggers — things in the air, weather conditions, or activities — can cause asthma flare-ups. By knowing and avoiding triggers, you'll help lessen your child's asthma symptoms.

  • Bedrooms: Household Safety Checklist for Parents

    Use these checklists to make a safety check of your home, including your nursery, child's room, adult's bedroom. You should answer "yes" to all of these questions.

  • Choosing Safe Toys for Babies for Parents

    All toys you select for your baby or toddler should meet safety standards. These tips can help you find safe toys for your little one.

  • Well-Child Visit: 4 Months for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your baby might be doing by the fourth month.

  • Your Nails for Kids

    You may not think about your nails, unless you just painted them blue or your mom says it's time to trim them. But your nails have a job to do. Find out more in this article.

  • Smart Toys for Every Age for Parents

    An age-wise guide on play and the toys that encourage learning, promote motor skill development, and spark imagination.

  • Childproofing and Preventing Household Accidents for Parents

    You might think of babies and toddlers when you hear the words "babyproofing" or "childproofing," but unintentional injury is the leading cause of death in kids 14 and under.