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You searched for: father
  • Testicular Torsion for Parents

    This emergency condition causes extreme genital pain and usually requires surgery to save a boy's testicle. If your son has groin pain, get him to a doctor right away.

  • Cancer (Topic Center) for Parents

    This topic center has information and advice on treating and coping with cancer.

  • Genetics for Parents

    Genetics is the study of genes, which carry information that gets passed from one generation to the next.

  • Genes and Genetics for Teens

    Genes play an important role in how we look and act, and even in whether we get sick. This article gives the lowdown on genes, genetic disorders, and new research into gene therapy.

  • Rh Incompatibility During Pregnancy for Parents

    If you just found out you're pregnant, one of the first tests you should expect is a blood-type test. This basic test determines your blood type and Rh factor, which may play an important role in your baby's health.

  • Teens Talk About Cutting for Teens

    We get lots of comments about our cutting articles. Because many of our readers' suggestions and comments are so helpful, we decided to put a few on our site.

  • XYY Syndrome for Parents

    XYY syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects only males. Boys who have it may be taller than average, but the symptoms can vary greatly.

  • Triple X Syndrome for Parents

    Triple X syndrome (also known as XXX syndrome, 47,XXX, and trisomy X) is a genetic condition found in girls only. Girls who have it may be taller than average, but the symptoms can vary greatly.

  • Testicular Cancer for Parents

    Testicular cancer is uncommon in boys. Most cases are in young and middle-aged men. It responds well to treatment, especially when it’s found early.

  • Feeding Your Newborn for Parents

    These guidelines on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can help you know what's right for you and your baby.