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  • Club Wrap for Teens

    This recipe is especially for teens with diabetes, but it can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Your Child's Changing Voice for Parents

    Along with obvious changes in physical appearance that come with puberty, your child’s voice will start sounding a whole lot different too.

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) for Parents

    Doctors use body mass index (BMI) measurements to assess a child's physical growth in relation to other kids the same age. Here's how to calculate BMI and understand what the numbers mean.

  • Health Care Providers: Pathologists for Parents

    A pathologist is a doctor who examines and interprets laboratory samples to find the causes of conditions, diseases, and sometimes deaths.

  • What Is Nicotine? for Parents

    Nicotine is a highly addictive stimulant. Those who start smoking before age 21 have the hardest time breaking the habit.

  • Five-Spice Chicken Salad Wrap for Parents

    Cold and spicy chicken salad makes a perfect lunch. Give it a try!

  • Meningocele for Parents

    Some babies are born with a meningocele, which is a sac that pushes through the gap in the spine. With surgery to fix the problem, most babies with a meningocele live a healthy, normal life.

  • Vaccines and Cochlear Implants for Parents

    Children with cochlear implants have a higher risk than other kids of getting some types of bacterial meningitis. Vaccines can help protect them.

  • Cream Cheesy Cucumber Sandwiches for Parents

    This fun and easy recipe is ready in minutes!

  • Kids and Video Games for Parents

    Like a lot of aspects of raising kids, when it comes to video games, the healthiest approach is moderation.