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You searched for: blood-transfusion
  • Health Care Providers: Hematologists-Oncologists for Parents

    A hematologist-oncologist is a doctor who specializes in blood diseases, bleeding disorders, and cancers such as hemophilia, sickle cell disease, leukemia, and lymphoma. They’re trained in hematology and oncology.

  • A to Z: Alpha Thalassemia for Parents

    Learn about genetic disorders and diseases and conditions that affect the blood.

  • Implanted Ports for Parents

    An implanted port is a type of central line that goes up to a vein near the heart or just inside the heart. A child can get medicine, fluids, blood, or nutrition through one.

  • Health Care Providers: Pathologists for Parents

    A pathologist is a doctor who examines and interprets laboratory samples to find the causes of conditions, diseases, and sometimes deaths.

  • What's Blood? for Kids

    It swirls through your veins and arteries, but what is it really? Find out about blood in this article for kids.

  • What Is Informed Consent? for Parents

    Informed consent is a legal term that means a person is aware of the facts of a situation (such as a surgical procedure) before agreeing to it.

  • Hydroxyurea for People With Sickle Cell Disease for Parents

    Hydroxyurea is a medicine that can help kids and teens who have sickle cell disease. Find out how it works.

  • Stem Cell Transplants for Parents

    Stem cells help rebuild a weakened immune system. Stem cell transplants are effective treatments for a wide range of diseases, including cancer.

  • Sickle Cell Disease for Teens

    Sickle cell disease is a blood disorder that makes red blood cells change shape and cause health problems. Find out more in this article for teens.

  • Stem Cell Transplants for Teens

    Stem cells can develop into cells with different skills, so they're useful in treating diseases like cancer.