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  • Dislocated Kneecap (Dislocated Patella) for Parents

    A dislocated kneecap is when the bone in the front of the knee (the kneecap or patella) slides out of place. A person with a dislocated kneecap needs care at the hospital right away.

  • Knock Knees (Genu Valgum) for Parents

    Kids often have knock knees (when knees touch but the ankles are apart). They usually go away without on their own by the time a child is 7 or 8 years old.

  • Keeping Your Child's Teeth Healthy for Parents

    Here are the basics about how to care for your child's teeth and when.

  • Mouth and Teeth for Teens

    Did you know that your mouth is the first step in the body's digestive process? Or that the mouth and teeth are essential for speech? Learn about the many roles your mouth and teeth play.

  • Doctors & Hospitals for Parents

    Doctor and hospital visits, tests, surgery, insurance paperwork, and medicines: let us help you take some confusion out of the process.