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You searched for: weight-diabetes
  • Binge Eating Disorder for Teens

    Binge eating is a type of eating disorder. This article explains what it is, how to recognize it, and how to get help.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition for Teens

    Besides extra calories, teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Find out more.

  • Coping With Cosmetic Effects of Cancer Treatment for Parents

    It's normal for kids to have hair loss, skin changes, or weight gain during treatment. This article offers tips for helping kids feel better about their appearance.

  • Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) for Teens

    A good, stable connection at your hip joint is what lets you walk, run, make that jump shot, and shake it on the dance floor. But in some teens – particularly those who are obese – the hip joint is weakened by slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).

  • A to Z: Eating Disorder for Parents

    Eating disorders involve self-critical, negative thoughts and feelings about body weight and food, and eating habits that disrupt normal body function and daily activities.

  • Dietary Tips for Teens With Cystic Fibrosis for Teens

    Teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Here's how they can meet those needs.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 12 Months for Parents

    Your baby is almost a toddler! Here's what to expect with your little one's growth and weight this month.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 10 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow quickly. All this activity and the foods your baby eats affect growth and weight.

  • Staying at a Healthy Weight for Teens

    Here are some practical, everyday tips on making exercise and healthy eating work for you instead of feeling like it's the other way around.

  • Your Baby's Growth: 11 Months for Parents

    Your baby continues to grow quickly. All this activity and the foods your baby eats affect growth and weight.