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  • Meningocele for Parents

    Some babies are born with a meningocele, which is a sac that pushes through the gap in the spine. With surgery to fix the problem, most babies with a meningocele live a healthy, normal life.

  • 4 Ways to Make Meal Planning Easier for Parents

    Meal planning can help ease stress, and save time and money. Get ideas you can put into action.

  • Movement, Coordination, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    At this age, kids are learning to roll over, reach out to get what they want, and sit up. Provide a safe place to practice moving and lots of interesting objects to reach for.

  • What Is Anorexia Nervosa? for Kids

    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that makes people very afraid of gaining weight.

  • Serious Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis) for Teens

    A person with severe allergies can be at risk for a sudden, serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This reaction can seem scary, but the good news is it can be treated.

  • A to Z: Infection, Skin for Parents

    A skin infection is a condition where bacteria or other germs enter the skin through a wound and spread, causing pain, swelling, and discoloration.

  • Berry Smoothie for Parents

    This recipe is ideal for kids who need a gluten-free diet.

  • Earbuds for Teens

    Earbuds are basically a tiny pair of speakers that go inside the ears. They're fine at low volumes, but they can cause permanent hearing loss if not used properly. Find out what's safe (and not) in this article for teens.

  • Safety Tips: Sledding for Parents

    Sledding is a lot of fun, but can also cause injuries, some of them pretty serious. To keep your kids safe while sledding, make sure they follow these safety tips.

  • A to Z: Nephrotic Syndrome for Parents

    Learn about conditions that affect the kidneys and urinary tract.