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You searched for: skin-care
  • Impetigo for Teens

    Impetigo is a skin infection caused by fairly common bacteria. Read this article to learn how to recognize it and what to do about it.

  • Eczema for Kids

    Everybody has dry skin once in a while, but eczema is more than just that. If your skin is dry, itchy, red, sore, and scaly, you may have eczema. Learn more about this uncomfortable condition and what you can to do stop itching!

  • Pityriasis Rosea for Teens

    Pityriasis rosea is a pink or gray skin rash that's common in teens and young adults. It may itch, but it's harmless. Find out what to do about it in this article for teens.

  • Eczema for Teens

    Eczema is a common skin problem. Find out more about it and how you can deal with the skin stress.

  • Getting to Know Your Newborn for Parents

    When you first meet your newborn, you may be surprised by what you see. Here's what to expect.

  • Impetigo for Parents

    Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that causes blisters or sores on the face, neck, hands, and diaper area. Learn how this common problem is treated and what can help prevent it.

  • Diaper Rash for Parents

    Diaper rash is a very common infection that can cause a baby's skin to become sore, red, scaly, and tender. In most cases, it clears up with simple changes in diapering.

  • Hair Removal for Teens

    You can buy dozens of products for getting rid of unwanted hair. How do they work? And how do you use them?

  • How Can I Get Rid of Extra Skin After Weight Loss? for Teens

    There's no fast way to get rid of extra skin after weight loss. To keep seeing improvement, give it more time.

  • Why Does My Skin Get Wrinkly in Water? for Kids

    What happens when you spend a long time in the water? Your skin gets wrinkly! Find out why in this article for kids.