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You searched for: pads-school
  • What if Everything Goes Wrong When You Get Your First Period? for Kids

    What if your period does start at school, and you aren't ready at all, and your period stains your pants? What do you do?

  • When Will I Get My Period? for Kids

    It's normal to be a little worried or anxious about getting your period. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Out and About for Parents

    Here are answers to some common questions about going out in public as a breastfeeding mom - from how to do it discreetly to taming sneaky leaks.

  • Safety Tips: Lacrosse for Parents

    Lacrosse is a fast-moving, fun sport to play and watch. But injuries are bound to happen. Here's how to help players avoid them.

  • Safety Tips: Lacrosse for Teens

    When everyone's moving so fast and using sticks to sling a solid rubber ball around, injuries are bound to happen in lacrosse. Here's how to avoid them.

  • Getting Your Period at School for Kids

    Lots of girls worry what to do if they get their periods at school. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Choosing Safe Baby Products: Playpens for Parents

    Playpens are popular because parents can put their baby in one knowing that their little one can't wander off. But they're no substitute for adult supervision.

  • Safety Tips: Volleyball for Teens

    Following these tips can help protect you from injuries while playing volleyball.

  • Preventing Children's Sports Injuries for Parents

    Participation in sports can teach kids sportsmanship and discipline. But sports also carry the potential for injury. Here's how to protect your kids.

  • Blisters, Calluses, and Corns for Teens

    Blisters, calluses, and corns can be uncomfortable, but they're also pretty common and easy to prevent. Find out what to do in this article for teens.