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You searched for: kids-crushes
  • Enchilada Casserole for Parents

    This delicious meal is loaded with calories, protein, and sodium.

  • Bedbugs for Parents

    Bedbugs have people on high alert, checking mattresses and furniture for telltale signs of these irritating, hard-to-control pests. Here's what to look for and how to deal with them.

  • Homemade Chicken Soup for Teens

    Chicken soup can be high in salt, but this "from scratch" recipe allows you to control the amount of salt (and fat) in your soup. Plus, it's easy to make!

  • Bedbugs for Teens

    Bedbugs are in the news because of recent infestations. Learn the telltale signs of these irritating pests - and how to deal with a bite.

  • Tetanus for Teens

    Tetanus is a bacterial infection that grows in a contaminated wound. Because it can be serious, it's important to get immunized. Find out more.

  • What Is Rohypnol? for Parents

    Rohypnol is an antianxiety medication. Because it can cause extreme drowsiness (or "blackouts"), the drug is often used in date rapes.

  • Teaching Your Child How to Swallow Pills for Parents

    Swallowing a pill is something that many of us take for granted. But just like any skill, learning to swallow a pill takes practice.

  • A to Z: Contusion (Bruise), Elbow for Parents

    Learn more about elbow contusions (bruises).

  • A to Z: Contusion (Bruise), Eye for Parents

    Learn more about black eyes and contusions (bruises) of the eye.

  • A to Z: Contusion (Bruise), Finger for Parents

    Learn more about contusions (bruises) of the finger.