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You searched for: feelings-diabetes
  • Dealing With Difficult Emotions for Teens

    Negative emotions are impossible to avoid and everyone feels them from time to time. They may be difficult, but they don't have to be stressful. Find out how to deal with stressful feelings.

  • What to Do When You Feel Stressed for Kids

    Everybody gets stressed from time to time. This article for kids has some tips to try the next time you're stressed.

  • Managing Your Emotional Reactions for Teens

    People who do a good job of managing emotions know that it's healthy to express their feelings, but that it matters how they express them. Get tips in this article for teens.

  • Shyness for Teens

    Shyness is extremely common, especially among teens. But lots of mild to moderate shyness melts away with practice and familiarity, making social situations easier and easier to handle each time.

  • Anxiety Disorders for Parents

    Anxiety is a normal part of growing up, and all kids experience it. But when it becomes extreme, it can interfere with a child's overall happiness.

  • Going to School When You Have Diabetes for Kids

    Are you on your own at school when you're dealing with diabetes? Not at all. Your teachers, coaches, school nurse, and friends can help you out.

  • Helping Your Young Athlete With Type 1 Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with type 1 diabetes can play sports and exercise at the same level as other kids.

  • Your Child's Self-Esteem for Parents

    Kids with self-esteem feel liked, accepted, and confident. Here's how to build healthy self-esteem in your kids.

  • Feeling Good About Yourself (Self-Esteem) for Kids

    Self-confidence and self-esteem are quiet inner strengths. They mean knowing you are a good person – someone who is likable, worthy, and capable.

  • Chandler's Diabetes Story for Kids

    People who have diabetes have to pay special attention to what they eat and need to stay aware of the amount of sugar in their blood. So what's it like to have diabetes? Just ask Chandler!