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You searched for: dad-talk
  • Keeping Track of Your Blood Sugar for Kids

    Checking your blood sugar levels is a really important part of managing diabetes. Knowing those levels will help you keep your blood sugar under control - and that helps you feel good and keeps you healthy.

  • Pinworms for Kids

    It's gross to think about but did you know that tiny worm eggs could be under your fingernails? Learn more about how to protect yourself from getting pinworms.

  • Pinkeye for Kids

    Pinkeye is the most common eye problem kids can have. It causes redness, itching, inflammation, and pus to collect in the eyes.

  • Making Friends: Answers for Teens With Autism for Teens

    You might want to make new friends, but aren’t sure how to do it. This article for teens with autism can help.

  • How Can I Take Charge of My Own Medical Care? for Teens

    Find out how to take charge of managing your medical care.

  • How Do I Tell My Parents I Need a Bra? for Kids

    It can be tough to get up the courage to raise the subject, but if you're ready for a bra, be brave and ask. Here's how.

  • Nosebleeds for Kids

    Ever get a nosebleed? Lots of kids have had at least one. To learn more, follow your nose to this article for kids.

  • Having Your Tonsils Taken Out for Kids

    Sometimes tonsils need to be removed, but how is it done? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Down Syndrome for Kids

    Kids with Down syndrome may have medical problems and trouble learning. But many can go to regular schools, make friends, enjoy life, and get jobs when they're older.

  • The Flu: Should You Go to School? for Kids

    Stay home or go to school? That's what you are probably wondering if you have the flu. Find out more.