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You searched for: bug-bites
  • Bug Bites & Stings for Kids

    Find out all about bugs that bite or sting.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.

  • What to Do About Bug Bites and Stings for Parents

    Being stung by a bug is often just irritating and doesn't require medical treatment. But kids who are highly allergic to stings may need emergency medical care.

  • Bedbugs for Teens

    Bedbugs are in the news because of recent infestations. Learn the telltale signs of these irritating pests - and how to deal with a bite.

  • Bedbugs for Parents

    Bedbugs have people on high alert, checking mattresses and furniture for telltale signs of these irritating, hard-to-control pests. Here's what to look for and how to deal with them.

  • Using Insect Repellents Safely for Parents

    Most bug bites are harmless, but some can cause illness. Here’s how to use insect repellents safely.

  • Spider Bites for Parents

    Spiders rarely bite people. When they do, it’s usually in self-defense because they’re being crushed by a human. Usually, their venom is not strong enough to hurt humans.

  • Using Bug Killers and Repellents During Pregnancy for Parents

    Some pesticides can harm a growing fetus. But many insect repellents are considered safe to use during pregnancy.

  • Chigger Bites for Parents

    Chiggers are tiny red mites whose bites aren't painful but do cause intense itching. Home care can help the itchiness.

  • A to Z: Insect Bites/Stings, Non-Venomous for Parents

    Bites from non-venomous insects are the result of an insect attempting to feed upon a person's blood. Non-venomous means the insect does not inject poisons through its bite.