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You searched for: bleed
  • Hemophilia: Handling Bleeds for Parents

    Kids with hemophilia can bleed easily or longer than normal. So it's important for parents to know how to handle bleeding when it happens.

  • A to Z Symptom: Rectal Bleeding for Parents

    Learn about some common causes of rectal bleeding, most of which aren't serious.

  • Hemophilia for Parents

    Hemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder that prevents the blood from clotting properly. With modern treatment, most kids who have it can lead full, healthy lives.

  • Von Willebrand Disease for Parents

    Easy bruising and excessive bleeding can be signs of Von Willebrand disease, a genetic disorder that affects blood's ability to clot.

  • Immune Thrombocytopenia for Parents

    Immune thrombocytopenia happens when the immune system attacks platelets. Viral infections often trigger this in children, but it usually goes away within 6 months.

  • Nosebleeds for Parents

    A nosebleed can be scary, but it's rarely cause for alarm. Here's how to handle one at home.

  • What to Do About Cuts for Parents

    Most cuts can be safely treated at home. But deeper cuts - or any wounds that won't stop bleeding - need emergency medical treatment.

  • Thrombocytopenia for Parents

    Thrombocytopenia is when someone has too few platelets in their bloodstream. Many things can cause it and most can be treated.

  • Thrombocytopenia for Teens

    Thrombocytopenia is when someone has too few platelets in their bloodstream. Many things can cause it and most can be treated.

  • Dealing With Cuts for Parents

    Find out how to handle minor cuts at home - and when to get medical care for a more serious injury.