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  • Asthma Diary for Kids

    Use this weekly diary to record your child's asthma symptoms, peak flows, the amount of medicine taken.

  • Asthma Diary for Teens

    Use this weekly diary to keep a record of your asthma symptoms, peak flows, and the amount of medicine taken.

  • 3-Day Food Diary for Parents

    If your child has diabetes, you can use this printable sheet to record what he or she eats over a 3-day period.

  • Smallpox for Teens

    You might be wondering what smallpox is and whether you or anyone you know is at risk for getting it. Learn the facts.

  • 5 Ways to Make Online Research Easier for Teens

    When researching school projects, it helps to know how to evaluate and choose online resources. Here are tips.

  • Cyberbullying for Parents

    Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. Here are some suggestions on what to do if online bullying has become part of your child's life.

  • Viewing Clinical Notes in Your Child’s Electronic Medical Record for Parents

    If you use a patient portal or smartphone app to access your family’s health care information, you'll see that notes from the health care provider are now available.

  • Getting Health Visits in Your Preferred Language for Parents

    Making sure you and your child’s doctor understand each other is key to a helpful health care visit. If English isn’t your first or preferred language, here's how to do that.

  • Camps for Kids With Special Needs for Parents

    There are many camp choices for kids with special needs. From highly specialized camps to regular camps that accommodate kids with special needs, options abound.

  • KidsHealth Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for Kids

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