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You searched for: war
  • Talking to Your Child About World Conflicts for Parents

    Talking with kids about violence and world conflict (like what's happening in the Middle East and Ukraine) can be hard. Here are some tips.

  • Kids Talk About: Feeling Scared for Kids

    All kids feel scared once in a while. Find out what frightens them in this article for kids.

  • How to Talk to Your Child About the News for Parents

    News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

  • Jellyfish Stings for Parents

    Ocean dips are a cool part of summer, but jellyfish can spoil the fun. Here's how to handle a sting from by one of these mysterious sea creatures.

  • Disasters: How Families Can Help for Parents

    When disasters strike, it's natural for people to want to help. Here are some ways to do that.

  • Disasters: How to Help for Teens

    Many people find the best way to deal with the news of a tragedy is to help. Find out what you can do.

  • 6 Ways to Study Better for Tests for Teens

    Taking good notes, scheduling study time, and joining a study group are just some ways to study well. Here’s how to be prepared.

  • Outdoor Water Safety for Kids

    It's fun to spend hot days splashing around in a pool or the ocean. But it's important to learn how to be safe.

  • Health Care Providers: Social Workers for Parents

    Social workers are mental health providers. They’re trained to evaluate and address each family’s unique emotional and social needs.

  • What's a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine? for Parents

    You might be surprised to learn that not all physicians have the letters MD after their names. Some have the letters DO (doctor of osteopathy).

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