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You searched for: female-doc
  • My Doctor Is a Different Gender. What Do I Do? for Kids

    It can feel strange to take off your clothes at the doctor's office. But your doctor does need to examine you to make sure you are healthy. Here's some advice.

  • What Does Menstruation Mean? for Kids

    Menstruation is a period — the 2 to 7 days each month that a girl or woman experiences menstrual flow.

  • Breasts and Bras for Kids

    Girls grow breasts as they develop and mature. And once a girl has breasts, she probably will want to wear a bra. Find out more in this article just for kids.

  • What's a Gynecologist? for Kids

    A gynecologist is a doctor who knows all about women's and girls' bodies.

  • Period Cramps for Kids

    Cramps can put a crimp in a girl's daily routine. Find out what period cramps are and how to handle them.

  • Hey! A Mosquito Bit Me! for Kids

    There are thousands of different kinds of mosquitoes in many different sizes and colors. Learn all about mosquitoes and how they bite you in this article.

  • Pinworms for Kids

    It's gross to think about but did you know that tiny worm eggs could be under your fingernails? Learn more about how to protect yourself from getting pinworms.

  • What Can I Do If Someone Stares at My Breasts? for Kids

    It's not polite to stare at someone's breasts — it's rude and it can make a girl feel very uncomfortable. Here's what to do if it happens to you.

  • Shaving for Kids

    Why do people shave? How do they do it? Read this article for the scoop on shaving.

  • What Does Pregnant Mean? for Kids

    When a woman is pregnant, it means that there is a baby growing inside her.

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